
Endings and New Beginnings

It's been an interesting couple weeks. 

Certainly not the worst couple of weeks, but not the best either. 

The boyfriend and I called it quits.  He says its for the best and I agree, most of the time.  The ending is always hard, no matter the circumstances.  I have a hard time letting people go.  I hate that you lose your best friend when a relationship ends, but I don't think that can be avoided, at least for a little while. 

The good thing about being single is that I can really focus on personal growth.  Isn't that what everyone says?  I tend to force myself to seek out happiness whenever my mind wander to the man I miss.  I know there are more relationships in my future.  I know I will find relationship bliss again.  I also know that right now I am sad it's over. I know I won't be sad forever.

A perk from my divorce, I know I can survive.  I know I can handle even the worst breakup. This is not the worst.  I'm sad that its over but happy that it happened and that I can grow from it.

Hopefully I'll find what I am looking for.  Hopefully I will fall in love again.  Hopefully I will fall in love forever. 

Here's to hope.  Here's to love.  Here's to happiness.


Laura said...

My best to you Ashley. I am sure it is not easy.

Gillian @ Money After Graduation said...

Sorry to hear. I know it's tough and that feeling of loss, but once you are without them for awhile you don't really miss them or even consider them your best friend anymore. Take care!

Janna Renee said...

I KNOW you will be okay. That just means that you haven't found true love yet, and there is something even more grand out there for you!

Unknown said...

hang in there you. just hang in there and I know it'll all make so much sense soon.

Aloha "hopping" by a little late to say "hi". I wanted to personally invite you to to join An Aloha Affair. It's a sweet gathering of creative souls. We'll mingle and grow and share our work so that we can get to know each other in meaningful ways. I'd love it if you'd join us, 'save ya a spot?...


Tiffany said...

So sorry, Ashley. You have such a great attitude--you are right, you will get through this!
