
I. Am. Enough.

Have you ever happened upon a blogger that is so perfect both in blog and real life that it makes you question your own existence? Okay, maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but lately I've caught myself doing a lot of comparisons and feeling inadequate(in blog and in life).
"My hair doesn't do that?"
"Their love story is so great! Why doesn't someone love me like that?"
"I could never keep my house that clean!"
"Look at her skin. Ugh, mine sucks!"
"I'll never be that fit."
I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.

Then I happened upon this post from Little Miss Mama and decided I should whip up one of my own, if only for the sake of my wilting self esteem.

I'm not gonna lie, I feel a lot better!

Don't forget how great you are.  Sometimes it is easy to be overwhelmed by your perceived shortcomings.  But the thing is, there is probably someone out there wishing they could do what you do.  Revel in your individuality.  And stop comparing yourself to everyone else.  (Self, did you hear me?)

I'd love to read more of these!  Leave your "I am enough" statements in the comments or do your own post and leave me a link, pretty please!


Jodi said...

I really love this idea and think all of us should do it. Even those who you might percieve as perfect, really.. None of us are, promise

Ministry Among The Trees said...

This is awesome!! I catch myself doing it too.

T&S said...

I totally agree with this. I find myself comparing mysel to bloggers all the time. I just have to stop and think of everything that makes me amazing and remember that "I am enough!"

Xo Lourdes

Thanks for this post!

Jenn @ Party of One said...

This is absolutely AWESOME & INCREDIBLE. Thank you for sharing. You are enough and I am, too! I'm feeling motivated and encouraged by your post :) I'm thinking I might still this post (and credit you- of course!) to do my own I AM ENOUGH post this week. Thank you for the inspiration my dear friend!

Unknown said...

You are not alone in having those days where you feel super bummed and sit around comparing yourself to other bloggers....I have found myself doing it as well. One thing that has helped is remembering the quote "comparison is the thief of joy." It's totally true!!

xo, Courtney

Meg Brink said...

This is so true. We are often more then enough, but it's hard to believe that when someone around you in either doing something better or looks better than you. As women we have to break out from that and realize we ARE enough. Positive message! I love it!!

Unknown said...

love love love!

Jenn @ Party of One said...

I joined in on the fun http://jkthomas87.blogspot.com/2013/02/me-i-enough.html