
A Disclaimer

I have written about 10 posts in the last week and posted none.

Mostly, I haven't clicked that lovely orange publish button because the majority of the posts I've written don't follow the "good blogger" formula.  They are filled with more deep thoughts than pretty images.  They don't share any genius new products, pretty places, recipes or DIY projects.  There isn't a single thing you might want to pin.  They don't include amazing anecdotal stories about my wine addiction or my crazy life.  They are just me.  The me that's wrapped up in all the words that float about in my head.

So that's my disclaimer.  Expect to see some of these honest, no picture posts, peppered into the usual business.

And in the words of Forrest Gump, "that's all I have to say about that".


Vicki said...

I tend to LOVE when bloggers I adore post more of the "honest, no picture posts" ... Looking forward to reading yours!

Anonymous said...

Bring it, girl! Show off your voice!

Lauren Nelson said...

I am in the exact same boat this week! Just need to get to that publish button!!!