
How I Bring Home The Bacon

Another link-up today!  Most of us are not full time bloggers (but wouldn't it be great if we were) so today's link up is about what we do for a living.  I am linking up with Lindsey @ The Bargain Blonde for "How I make that money, honey!"

I started college as a dual advertising and journalism major convinced I was going to be a much more laid back version of Anna Wintour.  One semester in, I changed my majors to advertising and public relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising.  Convinced I would instead be a fashion publicist. Perhaps still working for a magazine.

After graduating in 4 years with a dual degree, I jetted off to London for an internship with an international fashion PR company.  I know it sounds really glamorous, but it wasn't (In fact, I plan to share a bit about Jolly-ole London and my internship later this week!)

I returned to the states to another (paid) internship in the PR department of a large local integrated marketing communications company. 

At the internships close, I was offered an account associate position with a much smaller boutique PR agency.  I took it and within 3 months, I was promoted to account manager because the original manager quit.  It soon became clear why she departed due to unreliable paychecks and company instability.

I needed something more stable with a lot of earning potential. So I took a position with an online education company as a sales person enrollment councilor.  I was actually pretty good at sales, but I hated the environment.  I went from having my own office with a couch and a view to a cubicle that was suffocating.  Plus I didn't feel good about my job.  I wanted to do something that left me with a warm feeling inside, so two and a half years later, I turned to nonprofit.

I applied for a position as a fundraiser for a local chapter of a national nonprofit health organization.  Within hours of applying I was on my first phone interview and a few weeks later, I once again had my own office with a view, a new home for my chandelier and a sequined pillow inviting my office guests.

I work with both events and programs and my job was recently described as nonprofit boot camp.  The hours are long and the expectations are high.  I have been in this position for about a year and a half now and I have found that my strengths lie in online communications, email marketing social media and utilization of online fundraising tools and applications.  It's not that I don't love working with sponsors and companies, but I really love working with individuals and sharing the story of our organization and helping them to do a great job fundraising. 

I might have some changes to make with this post in the next couple days (hint- I am in the final stages for a position managing online fundraising and marketing for another national nonprofit health organization.) Keep your fingers crossed for me!

There still maybe changes in the future.  Maybe I'll go back to school.  Maybe I will be a SAHM someday, who knows.  I'm super excited about the changes the future may bring!

What about you?  How do you bring in the cash money?
Link up with Lindsey!


Jamie said...

Crossing my fingers for you!

Jessie said...

Good for you for willing to make changes!

Elissa said...

good luck! I would love to work for a non-profit.

The Preppy Student said...

good luck I hope you get this new positions! I am your newest follower. I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog! Have a happy Monday:)

Lindsey said...

Follow your heart and do what feels right! Fingers crossed for you! Thanks for sharing what you do/have done. What you're interested in doing is exactly what I want to do as well.


Lauren H Edmondson said...

sending happy thoughts of new possibilities your way :) Being the fundraising coordinator is part of my community relations position, and you are right while it is rewarding there are a lot of expectations and hours involved.

Brandy Bruce said...

Sounds like new adventures might be in your future! Fun!

ashley {we loved here.} said...

I just ran across your blog and was reading through your posts, this one caught my attention. Sounds like you've had a lot of great opportunities over the last few years! Even if they were things that just made you realize you wanted more, something better. I've read more and more about the positives of working for non-profits and everyone sounds like they are so proud to do what they do.

I hope your future endeavors only continue to make you happier and more successful!
