
Lean Into The Discomfort

First off, can I just say a big THANK YOU!  When I sat down to write last night, I was mostly just trying to get down all the thoughts floating around in my head about my upcoming high school reunion.  High school, both when you're in it and going back to it, can be a tricky thing.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous about it.

I had no idea the response I would get from those words and I was truly overwhelmed by all the kind and truly thoughtful comments you all left for me. Thank you for understanding me, sharing in my personal growth and letting me in on yours! Reading those comments was truly the peak of my blogging experience so far.

Thank You!

Secondly,  I've been (committed to) blogging for about 10 months and if I can give you newer bloggers one tip, it would be that authenticity is the most attractive thing you have to offer.  A calendar full of link ups and giveaways is great, but spilling your guts yields the most rewards, at least in my experience.  I love pretty outfits as much as the next person, but a post that makes me feel something is like hearing a great song on the radio.  It touches the chasms of your soul. It helps you reflect.  It helps you grow.  It inspires you.

So my advice to you is to lean into the discomfort of stripping yourself down.  Blur the line between the blogging taboo and the socially acceptable topics.  Be authentically you, even if you lose a few followers.  You'll gain much more.

So in the spirit of authenticity (and shameless self promotion), I thought I would share some of the posts I'm most proud with all the new faces around here.

The one where I talk about my divorce...
The Part I left Out

The ones where I talk about things I've learned...
What My Twenties Have Taught Me... So Far
12 Things I Learned In 2012

The one's where I rant about something...
What is Beautiful?  What Is Healthy?
It's Okay and Chik-Fila-A
A Day Unlike Any Other
I Caught The Fever

The one where I compare blogging to dating...
Blog Attraction

The one where I compare relationships to baseball...
Hitting A Homer

Enjoy your weekend loves!


Anonymous said...

Great Job Ashley, I am fairly new to blogging but I also find the posts where I write about that are personal to me are the ones that I can write the best and feel passionate about.

Anonymous said...

Great blog and advice! Thanks for sharing your personal story :) I followed you from the blog hop!
