
be-HOT ... because I said so

Okay, have you ever gone into GNC looking for a multivitamin and walked out with a slew of vitamins that are, according to the sales person, going to make your body a calorie burning, metabolism boosted, insanely healthy, vitamin filled super-human? Yeah, I did that about 2 years ago. I went in looking for a good multivitamin and left with $200 dollars worth of super-human fuel. I ended up never using half of the stuff and now it’s expired. What I did use was the be-HOT vitamin packs. Last week I decided to go back and get another package of them. I remembered always feeling great when I took them, so I thought I would give them another shot. This time I managed to get out with just my vitamin packs and a couple of bags of Omega-3 sugar-free citrus chews (which by the way are delicious). Boy am I glad I gave the vitamins another try! They actually do make me feel a little super human!
be-Hot Excercise Enhancing Turbopak
If you haven’t been to the gym in a while, hit a plateau or just struggle to find the energy to hit the gym after a long day, go buy the GNC WELLbeING® be-HOT™ Exercise Enhancing Turbopak. It really makes a HUGE difference. I know because I forgot to take it today. I struggled with my usual workout. I was making deals with myself just to get through my 30 minute run. My distance was significantly shorter and I felt like a mere human. Basically I will never forget to take them again!
Each Pak Includes:
  • be-Defined™- Toning & sculpting formula- this is basically just potassium, electrolytes and antioxidants. The combination of the three help to enhance athletic performance, making your workout more beneficial for your muscles. Could you probably eat a banana, electrolyte water and green tea, probably, but I think swallowing two pink pills is easier!
  • be-Energized™- Calorie burning formula- this is a mostly natural energy supplement. It’s got a lot of extracts like green tea and black pepper in it. It claims to help boost your metabolism so you burn more calories both throughout the day and during your workout. The grape seed extract also helps improve circulation. I always have cold fingers and toes so I figure circulation improvement in two orange pills can’t hurt me.
  • be-Enhanced™- Diet supporting CLA complex- This gold pill is a blend of fatty acids. You know, the ones that make your hair skin and nails awesome? Yeah, those! They also support your metabolism and provide a healthy source of energy- the good fats!
I’m not kidding when I say this vitamin pak makes my workout easier, allowing me to work harder, burn more calories and get better results for my time spent at the gym. Don’t believe me? There are well over 200 reviews on the GNC website and the product has an average rating of 4 out of 5 stars. I may not be-Hot yet, but I certainly feel like the be-Hot vitamin paks are helping me get there!


Lash Lit

I have a little obsession with eyelashes. I envy people with long think lashes. Sadly, I was not blessed with long or thick lashes. Mine are short and thin. I have worn falsies for special events for years, but the idea of wearing them daily, always seemed excessive. Then I noticed some of the most envied women wear false eyelashes every day. In fact, some of the ladies I stalk on Facebook because they have seemingly perfect lives and never take a bad picture, also wear fake lashes! I checking out the lashes of beautiful women in grocery stores, the mall and even the gym. Many of them were in fact wearing lashes, that only the trained eye would notice. You should know, training your eye to find the imposter lashes can cause you to look at people for really awkward lengths of time! So about 2 months ago, I decided to start wearing false lashes, except when i press snooze too many times. Look at the difference!

You can choose natural looking strips, thicker more obvious ones or individual lashes! Here are a few tips I’ve learned from friends, celebrities and other blogs and tutorials!

Tips for easy and successful eyelash applications
  • Before you apply them, make sure you measure the lash against your eye to check for fit and cut it to size.
  • Flex and bend the lash band around your finger for 30 seconds or so to make it flexible so you’ll have an easier application where the lashes will follow the natural curves of your eyes
  • The type of eyelash glue you use will make or break your application. Dont waste your time with the tube that comes with the lashes. I like Duo Lash Glue, the kind that drys dark. The only thing is, you have to be careful not to get any extra glue anywhere. If you are nervous about the glue, try the clear drying kind first. Either way, do yourself a favor and but the glue separate from the lashes. yes it costs more, but it is absolutely worth it!
  • Apply your makeup first, including eyeliner and mascara.
  • Apply a thin layer of the lash glue directly onto the lash band and wait 20-30 seconds for it to slightly dry and become tacky. Then it’s ready to be applied to eyes.
  • I use my fingers to place the lashes and the back-end of the tweezers to press them down into my lash line.
  • Use liquid or cream eyeliner again after application to hide the edges/ends of the false lashes by extending the line slightly beyond the ends of the eye.
  • Use an eyelash curler to curl your real and false lashes so they blend in together, but wait until the glue is completely dry to do so. Only use mascara if you do not plan to use the lashes again.
  • Your eyes may feel slightly weird initially as there is now a foreign object fluttering against it but if you applied the lashes right, it should not hurt or feel uncomfortable.
  • To remove, use lash remover if possible. or you can lightly pull from the outer corner. carefully remove any residual glue.
  • Store them in the container they came in. If you care for your lashes, you can make them last for about 4 uses.
  • If you do wear lashes daily, figure out what brand and styles you like. You can bulk order them online and get them for around $2 a pair.
I hope this has helped! If the strips are too hard for you to apply, start out with unknotted individual lashes. They are easier to apply and allow you to add volume where you’d like!


I'm One Of Those People...

that thinks that every song is a sign or every movie is speaking to me in a special way. When I am bored, I play IPod fortune-teller. If you have never done this, I highly recommend it. First put you IPod or ITunes on all songs shuffle. Then ask questions to the universe and press next. I find each song gives me the answer to my question. Okay, maybe it is just the answer I know in my heart and I’m afraid to admit to myself. Try it. If nothing else, it’s fun to do with your girlfriends and a bottle of wine. Today, the boyfriend and I went to see The Vow. For his sake, I will admit, it was my choice of movie and he was far more interested in Journey 2…yuck. I’m a sucker for a good chick flick… and any Rachel McAdams or Channing Tatum movie. (This includes Red Eye and Dear John) (Also, something you should know about me, I put thing in parenthesis when I feel like it’s an unimportant, important side note or I feel like I am telling a secret or something… is that weird?)

Anyway… I mentioned yesterday that I am a lover of love. I cry at every wedding…every single one, even people I don’t know. Something about devoting your life and love to another really gets me good! I think it’s the vows. Trying to put your love for another into words is hard. Saying them out loud in front of your friends and family, for me at least, is even harder. In The Vow, their vows were perfect. I managed to hide the tears welling-up in my eyes. The movie really made me think about fate and love and if those”impact moments” are taken away from you, will you still end up in the same place. What have your “impact moments” been?

The other thing it made me think about was, how do we know we are in love and how do we know someone else is in love with us? Is it when our teeth can no longer hold back those three words from coming out, or is it something more? When did you know you were in love? When do you know someone else was in love with you? When did you know that feeling was gone? And does the lack of the “love” feeling mean that you were feeling something else entirely?

Love is a topic I have always wanted to know more about. I have read books, but what I really prefer is personal stories. Share with me your Love story!
Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day, A History

Alright, it’s Valentines Day and you either love it or hate it. I find very few people are indifferent to it. For a self-proclaimed lover of love, I have traditionally fallen into the “hate it” category. As I have gotten older, I have grown to appreciate the history, but still dislike the way the holiday has been commercialized as a day that allows you to apologize for what a jerk you have been the rest of the year. I thought on this day of love, or lack of it, I would give you a brief history.

Valentine’s Day is a mish-mash of traditions and beliefs. Lets start with the date. It falls on February 14th every year because that is the day that Saint Valentine was executed for performing marriages. Strange that a priest got in trouble for doing one of his normal deeds, right? The story goes a little deeper.

In 2nd Century A.D. when Christians were persecuted by the Roman government, Christian marriages and other ceremonies were a big no-no. During that time Claudius II was building a Roman army. He thought that married men would make for distracted soldiers, with their minds back at home with their families and wives. Thus, he forbid young men to marry. Interesting logic right? Sounds like a recipe for rebellion to me! Death was the punishment for any priest that performed the rite of marriage.

This didn’t sit well with Valentine. He believed that to be in love and to be married was to be closer to God. He was a martyr for love! He was caught performing a marriage ceremony and after going to prison he was beheaded. Talk about a rough punishment! This story reminds me a little of the struggle for love and marriage we see today. I won’t go into my political beliefs about marriage rights, but lets just say I think if you want to devote your life and love to another person, I applaud you and believe you have as much right as I to do so.

A few more Valentines Day traditions tie into Saint Valentine. It is said he would give children flowers from his garden. He also signed a message just prior to his execution, “from your Valentine”. I also hear the hearts come from his heart being displayed on the town square or something… Gross? Centuries later, the 1600s ushered in the tradition of giving gifts to your love on Valentine’s Day. Most people gave flowers, but the wealthy surprised their loves with jewelry. Apparently giving a young woman a pair of gloves on Valentines was equal to a marriage proposal…those better be some nice gloves.

As literacy became more common, written Valentines cards and notes became popular and in the 1700 card makers started the commercialization of the holiday with mass-produced Valentines cards. Hello Hallmark!

So today, we woman expect (even if we say we don’t want anything) flowers, chocolates, jewelry or all of the above to celebrate the execution of a lover of love. For years I pretended like I hated Valentines Day, when really what I hated was the missed expectations. Today I try to give myself, and the man in my life, a break. Valentines Day and I have spent too many years on bad terms. This year, I’m going to appreciate the history, the sentiment and the love. Ladies, give your guys a break. Gentleman, don’t let us down. Good Luck!

Happy Valentines Day


Mesmerized by the Music

It’s funny, I always forget how much music really speaks to me until I get goosebumps from hearing a great voice or powerful lyrics. I have always had a talent for seeking out great artists and becoming obsessed with them before the radio is even playing their music. When that music is partnered with soulful movement, I’m known to get a little choked up. This year’s Grammy Awards show was a perfect example of many goosebump worthy moments. First, I was reminded of my love for Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters. They ROCK (Pun intended)! Even when performing with a somewhat creepy Mickey Mouse. Then Chris Brown reminded me how innovative dance can be. When Maroon Five and Foster the People did covers of Beach Boy songs, I was instantly brought back to many car rides with my grandmother listening to the oldies station when I was little. The standing ovation that Taylor Swift received made me happy. Not just because I love rocking out to T. Swift, but because I can only imagine what it feels like to be so respected by your peers and idols.
Katy Perry confused me at first, but if anyone can rock the Smurfette, got stuck in an episode of Xena Warrior Princess, she can. I was really enjoying the Russell Brand hate song… err I mean her new single.
Without question, Adele is one of my favorite artists! I got to see her live about 3 years ago, before most people even knew who she was. (Also, The Script opened for her…AMAZING) I loved how soulful her voice and lyrics were. Her rendition of Rolling in the Deep gave me chills!
Loved the classic glamour of Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood doing It Had To Be You. Carri’s dress was GORG too! (What, don’t hate on my Abreivs.)
Jennifer Hudson’s beautiful performance of I Will Always Love You brought on the chills, but I also couldn’t help noticing how absolutely fabulous she looked.

Speaking of fabulous looking ladies, Gwyneth Paltrow looked really great too! All in all, I would say the Grammys were much better this year than in years past. Good work!


One Month In...

Things got a little busy and I forgot to post for almost a month. I fell of the wagon! However, that just means I have lots to share! On January 1st I resolved to become my best self in 2012. That meant being better at my job, being a better friend and girlfriend, being healthy/losing weight, getting my skin and hair in tip-top shape, pay off my debt and move back into my own place. I was dead set on moving to California this year, but thanks to a new chapter in my work life, I willing to give AZ a chance for a little while longer. (Don’t worry sandy beaches, you are still on my mind and I still hope to move as soon as possible. The desperation is just no longer there.) Let’s just say if January is any indication on how my year is going to be, I am making 2012 my bitch!

Work and life are moving along smoothly, so lets talk about the things I am really excited about…the superficial! Thanks to some tips from friends and celebrities, I have completely changed my hair routine and it has made such an incredible difference! The best part is it doesn’t take me any longer and it’s growing like a weed! Another post on my adapted hair tips! More on that later this week! Also, thanks to a Christmas gift from my bestie, my skin is doing much better as well. Don’t worry, you’ll get a post on that routine as well! I have been trying to make health a priority and it has really been paying off! I have already lost 10 pounds and I am in the lead for our biggest loser competition. With my winnings I plan to get this beauty!
Michael Kors Quartz Brown Watch
I have a ways to go before I reach my goal , but if I stay on this track, I will be close to my goal by the start of summer! When I reach my goal, it means more than just a new watch, it means a new wardrobe. I can’t wait to start planning my purchases!
Just over one month into the New Year and so many things are going so well.