
Hello There, It's Been A While

It's been my intention every day this week to write something.  The inspiration just hasn't come to me.  (Part of the problem is it's hard for me to admit that my grand plans of getting healthy and my 90 day challenge, never happened got postponed a little.  I was not prepared.  I didn't have a plan of attack.  I am working out a better plan and trying to get on track this weekend.  I also envisioned all these great stories and weekly features I was going to write on my blog.  Sadly, I don't have the time for consistency.  It would be so nice if I could schedule in a chunk of time each day for writing.)  To help myself get back on track, today I decided I would tell you the ABC's of Ashley.

Age: 26
Bed size: Queen.
City you want to live in: I want to live on a beach somewhere.  I don't care where.
Dogs:  Cali is the boyfriends dog and I am working on getting one of my own that I am going to name Gatsby.
Essential start to your dayI wouldn't say it's essential, but recently I have been opening the bathroom window in the morning to hear the birds great the day.  It just makes me happy to hear them singing in the AM.  Clearly they like mornings more than I do. 
Favorite alcoholic drink: Vodka tonic or a dirty martini.
Gold or Silver: Silver, but I have been dabbling in gold lately.
Height: 5’9"- yes I'm tall and yes those are heels I'm wearing.
Instruments you play: I play a mean air guitar and air drums.  Other than that, I played the violin for 3 years.
Job title: Fundraising Coordinator for a nonprofit organization.
Kids: negatory
Life goals: Be successful, be a good mom, never forget to find the joy in each day.
Most impactful moment: Meeting a 9 year old named Morgan who was fighting cancer.
Nicknames: The only nickname that has ever stuck is A-Allan
Operations: Nope, not yet.
Pet peeves: Cattiness, thoughtlessness and rude people.
Quote from a movie or TV show: Even though I have a million favorite movie quotes, I can't think of any at this moment.
Right or Lefty: right
Siblings: 2 half brothers and 2 half sisters
Time you wake up: Depends on how much I need to do in the morning.  Usually between 6 and 7.
Underwear: I am pro underwear. 
Vegetable you hate: Peas
What makes you run late: Doing my hair
X-Rays You’ve Had: No X-rays I can remember, but a lot of MRI's
Yummy food you make: I have some awesome cupcake recipes and am pretty good with casseroles too
Zoo Animal: Elephants

Thats a little about me!

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