
All By Myself- It's Okay

Yes, you can cue the Celine Dion music. 

I am on a road trip for work and I'm all by myself staying in hotels in the middle of nowhere.  It's not that fun.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like eating along or seeing a movie by myself.  Being comfortable by yourself, especially out in public, isn't always easy, but I feel like I have got it mastered being an only child and all.  Unfortunately this trip is mostly me in a car with limited human interaction.  And I am bored.

Okay, enough of my whining.  Let's get to It's Okay Thursday with Neely and Amber.  This is the BIG one year anniversary of this link up and they are doing a giveaway, so link up if you haven't already!
Its Ok Thursdays
It's okay...
To miss my boyfriend and my puppy-face after less than 24 hours.
To feel like my cherry red Impala rental car is just begging for a speeding ticket
To be a little obsessive with the speed limit because I got a speeding ticket on this exact same trip last year.  Opps!
To wish I was still in California.
To be a total stress case until I get some answers.
To be thinking about what I could eat for dinner right after I finish my lunch.
To be overly excited about my hair appointment Saturday.  It's been too long!
To feel a little blah today.  It's probably just the 110+ heat!


Katie said...

I am ALWAYS thinking about the next thing I will eat, I don't know if that's a good thing but since you said it's okay...;)

Stay cool on your trip! The heat is so unbearable this summer!

Nicole said...

Uhmm yes 110 heat would totally make me feel blah!

I always think about dinner early because it is so much more exciting than breakfast & lunch lol

Hope you don't get another ticket!! =D

Happy Thursday!

Erin Marie said...

Oh girl, that whole traveling alone thing is awful. I wish I was better at it too. Just spent today on like 4 flights and a bus ride back home. So. Lonely. Maybe practice makes better?