
Make Your Ad Dollars Count for More Than New Followers

If you're like me, you are laying on your bed with your laptop resting in, well as the name implies, your lap.  Do me a favor and set your laptop aside and sit up without using your arms.  It's a simple request right?  Maybe you just finished an ab busting workout so it hurts a little.  Maybe you haven't been doing enough ab busting workouts (that's me) and are a little slow to get to the sitting position.  Maybe you ignored my request and are still reading.  Don't worry, I'll wait for you.  Go ahead.

Chances are, that was pretty easy for you right?  Now imagine doing that same thing, but without your legs to help stabilize or pull you up either.  Or, better yet, watch what that looks like. 

For Ryan, a marathon runner and all around athlete, just sitting up on his own is a challenge.  A challenge that is just a small part of a much bigger challenge that he now faces. You may have read some of my posts about Meagan and Ryan.  If you need to catch up, you can read about Ryan and Meagan here. And you can follow Ryan's Journey here.

Ryan and Meagan have come to California to spend a month at an incredible facility called Project Walk, a spinal chord rehabilitation center in Carlsbad.  He is already getting to do some incredible things, but as you can imagine, a facility as high tech and cutting edge as this one doesn't come for free.  I've been trying to come up with a way to help and I think I happened upon a genius idea- donating my ad space!  This month, consider sponsoring a family instead of a blog.

So here is the deal, all you have to do is make a donation to Ryan's Journey then forward me your emailed receipt and your button.   I'm even willing to create a button for you (for an additional $5 donation.) If all these spaces sell out, we will all be a part of donating All the details are below!  If you would instead like to make an in kind donation of a silent auction item for an upcoming fundraising event, email me and we can work something out.

Small Ad Space:  Minimum $5 donation- 100x200 space on sidebar.  2 social media mentions and introduction in a group post. 5 available.

Medium Ad Space:  Minimum $10 donation- 200x200 space on sidebar. 4 social media mentions and introduction in a group post, option for giveaway. 5 available

Large Ad Space: Minimum $20 donation- 300x200 space at top of sidebar. 6 social media mentions, feature post/ guest post, option for giveaway. 5 available

Hero Ad Space- Minimum $50 donation- 150 x 600 space at the bottom of each and every post. 8 social media mentions, feature/guest post, giveaway option... let me know what you want and we'll work it out because you are awesome!  1 available 

Want to sponsor? Follow these easy steps:
  1. Make your donation.
  2. Forward me the receipt or email me the total amount you donated with your button.  ashley.ohwellsinsteadofwhatifs{at}gmail.com
  3. I'll send you a fun little questionnaire to fill out
  4. You get warm fuzzy feeling inside because you just spent your advertising dollars on making a difference. 
Thanks for reading!  Thanks for helping make a difference!