So, hey! What's up everybody? Does anyone even come here anymore? Well here are a few updates on me, in case you are wondering!
My wedding and events planning business, Your Jubilee, is going well. In fact, you guys should totally check out our website (because that's where I spend most of my blogging time these days). We have lots of info for brides to be on trends and tips! Plus we do some really fun projects, like a gorgeous bohemian romance photo shoot! Meanwhile, my day job is kicking my ass with long hours and heavy work loads.
One of my favorite shots from our bohemian shoot!
I'm still working on sweating sexy back! I'm still pretty obsessed with Fit Republic, but have recently started to get really into spin! I also started working with a nutritionist. I even forced some of my friends to work out with me on my birthday! I still have about 30 pounds to shed before I start training for my first sprint triathlon. I've started looking into bikes, and tri coaches, because I suck at running, never learned how to ride a bike and I feel like I have the potential to drown when I am in a large body of water. All that said, I still want to do it. I am hoping to begin training in the new year. Are any of you guys into triathlons? If so, let me know your tips!
Birthday burpies at the gym!
I went to Vegas with some of my favorite people in the whole world. We had an awesome weekend zip lining across the Rio, lounging by the pool, seeing the Britney Spears concert and drinking way too much!
Vegas for Britney
And I am dating. It's true! I have actually been dating a bit. Of course by that I mean I have gone a handful of first dates and a pinch of second dates, but it's a start. Throw in lots of events, long work hours and a few Netflix binges and that about sums up the last couple months of my life! I'm hoping to make this a more regular thing, but just in case that doesn't happen, I leave you with this thought:
So happy to see you're blogging again and that you're doing well! (And I love your Legally Blonde-inspired workout tee!)
SO Fun! I'm an event planner in Dallas and do photography! I feel like we already have so much in common lol
-Melanie @
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