
Borrowing other people's words

I sat down to write something brilliant, but today, the words just didn't come. I could have hammered out something, but I figured my lack of inspiration should at least provide a little inspiration for someone else out in blogland. Here are someone elses words.



What inspires you?


Courtney Cakes said...

Love these words... Even if they aren't your own.

lori said...

i especially love the second one, so true. just came across your blog {from twitter}... so cute!! i love the name... such a good philosophy to live by!

now following and looking forward to reading more :)

Fash Boulevard said...

adore this. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new post and latest style column for LaurenConrad.com. xo


Optimistic Existentialist said...

Ashley these quotes are so inspiring! As someone who strives to live this way, I really enjoyed this post. Have an amazing Friday :)

jenlee said...

Good words to end the week with...thank you :)

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I love all of these quotes!