I have never had a commitment phobia when it comes to relationships, book series, sports teams, education, jobs, purchases and the list goes on. But, when it comes to eating healthy and working out, I just can't seem to pull the trigger. Over and over, I make plans. I'm going to eat this this week and I am going to workout that many times, but I never follow through. Why can't I commit to something that is so good for me and sounds so easy? If I am the only one counting on me, I tend to let myself down and forgive myself quickly.
It's embarrassing to admit how many times I have tried to start a new healthier lifestyle. The only way to move forward is to keep your focus ahead, so I decided, I am starting a 90 day challenge. I've already started envisioning myself (the thinner healthier version of myself) rocking an adorable bikini on the beach like these!
Both from Victoria Secret
To keep myself committed to, what I hope will be, a long term relationship with healthy living, I am going to share my struggles and my successes with you all. I also want to invite you to join me.
Starting on April 1st (no this is not an April Fools joke) until June 30th (yes, technically that is 91 days), we are going to challenge ourselves to be active and eat healthy. Yeah, maybe that doesn't sound like much of a challenge to you, but for me, it is easy to ditch the gym for my friends carbs, sugars and fats. Supposedly, if you do something for more than 21 days it becomes a habit! I'm willing to try.
In addition to your regularly scheduled bloggramming, I am going to try new workout fads, share my healthy recipes and share some tips from health and fitness bloggers!
I hope you'll share with me and I will definitely share with you. By joining me, you'll get in on some great giveaways. With no further adieu, it's time to unveil the first giveaway!

1. Become a follower
2. Comment on any post labeled 90 Day Challenge.
3. Check out lululemon.com to decide how you will spend your winnings.
3. Check out lululemon.com to decide how you will spend your winnings.
3. Make multiple comments and you will be entered multiple times!
Doesn't everyone feel better at the gym when they look cute?
Get pumped, get prepped, throw away the cookies and chips! The 90 day challenge starts in 10 days!
I follow you on Pintrest as "anash"
Thanks kindly!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
i would like the Run: Chase Me Tank
Thanks for a super giveaway!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
i am up for the challenge!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
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