1. Move to a new state- this one is super easy seeing as I'm already here. I like to start off with things I know I can accomplish so I can get the momentum going! Boom- accomplished
2. Lose 50 pounds. I have a hard time with committing to weight loss, but I am thinking that in addition to my location change I will try some lifestyle changes as well. And let's be honest, I plan on spending a lot of time on the beach and I would prefer to do that with a little less fat. If part of my routine could include dance classes, that would be great! Working on it. I've lost about 10 pounds so far.
3. Run a 1/2 marathon. I was not born a runner. I have yet to mold myself into a runner. I am going to do it though. Even if I hate it. I keep putting this one off...
4. Learn how to paddle board. I have a lot of anxiety about being in water that I can't see the bottom of. I feel pretty good about being on top of it though. Since I am moving to the beach, it seems like a good time to give it a try. Plus I hear it's a great workout. I haven't gone yet, but I'm planning to, I'd even like to try Yoga on a paddle board.
5. Again since I will be near the beach, I think it is time I actually learn how to ride a bike. Then I will have a reason to get a really cute yellow beach cruiser! So far its a fail. No attempt made.
6. I really want to do an urban race or one of those obstacle course races. Who's in? Meh.
7. Make something old new again. And by that I mean some kind of Pinterest project to redo an old piece of furniture. Considering I sold off all of my furniture, this seems like a
8. Go to LA to the new Sprinkles Ice Cream shop. (and explore. I haven't been to LA since I was 13.) Trying to lose 50 pounds has held this trip off.
10. Get comfortable in my new job. I expect that to take a solid 6-12 months. It's a big step, but a step that feels right. (It's one of the things that actually makes me feel 27.) Done and done. Love my job!
11. Go see the Bethenny Show live. I would settle for Ellen too. Hmmm, no progress.
13. Reach 500 followers on my blog. I love interacting with all of you. Holy Guacamole, I made it in under 6 months. I love my blog family so much. It is truly humbling that any of you give a damn about what I write!
14. Give up soda. Seriously this time. Good thing I have a year to do it. Yeah... No progress. Absolutely none!
15. Join a team. A kickball team, softball team- whatever. I love playing on a team. Oh yeah, I kinda forgot this was on the list!
16. Pay off a good majority of debt and cut up all but one of my store credit cards. If you are wondering, the lucky card that won't get the ax is my Macy's card. Solidify and stick to a budget so that someday I will be able to buy a home, go on vacations and eventually retire. Workin on it.
Man coming up with 27 things is kind of hard.
17. Visit a state I haven't been to. Is it cheating if I already did that when I went to Virginia last week? Totally counts!
18. Take a vacation with the boyfriend. We've always visited people. I'd like us to do something together, just us! No boyfriend... err things just got awkward.
19. Buy a DSLR camera. Savings plan in action! Hoping for a miracle...
20. Go on a cruise with all my girlfriends. Who doesn't want to do that every year! Ummm, maybe in the fall?
21. Make a definitive decision about Grad school. Should I even get my masters? What program should I do? When should I start? What do I want to be when I grow up? Nope. Not going. Decision made.
22. Start working on a book. I have some awesome ideas, it's really more about setting aside the time to get it going. Six more months to figure this one out.
23. Find a permanent place to live, preferably near the beach. I'd say less than 2 miles isn't bad.
24. Embrace being comfortable with who I am. I have made a major dent on this one.
25. This might sound weird, but increase my water intake. I think that will happen naturally when I stop drinking soda. I'm constantly dehydrated. Well I have been working out a lot more, so it kind of happened naturally.
26. Get organized. I have a tendency to be a little messy if everything doesn't have a home. When I take the time to give things a home, things never get messy. Lets just call this "in progress".
27. Really appreciate and enjoy this next year. It's definitely starting a new chapter and I don't want to miss a single opportunity. Totally on track with this one!
Whew, that was way harder than it looks! What are you going to do this year? Have you made progress on your list? Give me the deets!
Jeez lady you better get crackin on these things haha. Seems like you're going to have have a super busy but super FABUlOUS next six months!
The easiest way to run 13.1 is to sign up for a half, then once you sign up, there's no turning back! That's how I get my booty in shape to run those things.
10 pounds down? You go, sister!! That's a lot to be proud of :) I have faith you'll knock a lot more of these outta the way soon!
ugh...at least you have six months left! my list looks a lot like your's as far as amount of things accomplished and my birthday is in April - whoops! :(
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