
It's Okay Thursday

I was doing a little web surfing today when I cam across A Complete Waste of Makeup.  It was instant Blog-love.  I decided to link up with Neely today for "It's okay" Thursday. 

It's okay to...
stand out
feel glamorous just because of the shade of lipstick you are wearing
be the star of your own concert by dancing and singing any time you are in the shower or car
have no idea what you want out of life yet
wear a watch with a dead battery just because you like the way it looks
tell someone they hurt your feelings
have a glass of wine (or a bottle) whenever you feel like it
not let your happiness be defined by the happiness of others
eat the same thing for 4 days in a row
reinvent yourself
take a risk even if it's a big one
to turn off the computer and the phone and ignore the world for a few hours
believe you will do something others don't think you can
be completely yourself
celebrate...anything and everything
follow this blog because you read it all the time anyway (wink wink!)

What's okay with you today?  Link up with Neely and Amber HERE


Its Me Again Margaret said...

Neely is great and so fun to link up to! Reinventing yourself actually sounds like a great idea!

Neely said...

How fun is your blog!?! Thanks for linking up doll :)

Courtney Cakes said...

I love wearing lipstick that stands out and makes you feel glamorous.
Glad I found your blog. Totally friends now.

Anonymous said...