
Women That Inspire- Part Three

Can you believe it is already day three of my little project?  I hope you all are enjoying reading who and what inspires people as much as I am!  I have been so excited all week as the posts have come in!  I almost feel like a little kid at Christmas as I dive into each post.

To keep the excitement going, I want to also invite anyone that wants to share their inspiration to comment below.  If you'd like to be my guest, and share your inspiration with Oh Wells Instead of What Ifs, email me! I am thinking of making this a weekly feature.  Send me a note at ashley.ohwellsinsteadofwhatifs{at}gmail.com!  Anyway, lets get started!

Today's Guest is Nikki.  While I haven't seen Nikki in some time, I do regularly stalk her on Facebook.  She is one strong, positive, passionate woman.  I just couldn't wait to see who she'd pick!  If you want to follow Nikki, you can find her at her blog Blissful Living.

A “Little” Inspiration

When Ashley first asked me to write a guest post I felt both honored and challenged. Of course there are many women I find inspiring – Mom, Grandma, Oprah, Emily Blunt, and the list can go on. I inevitably found myself stuck and racking my brain for the “perfect female” to feature. Although I am able write many beautiful things about the women previously mentioned, I wanted to write about someone who has inspired me on a less obvious level.
So, who exactly is this little inspiration? She’s a very powerful female. A four-year-old covered in smiles, cuts, and marker stains. She laughs a lot and rarely knows the difference between Monday and Thursday. Wish I could get away with that… but, I digress.

I have been Samantha’s nanny for two years, and she is hands-down the cutest little girl I’ve been able to share my days with. In fact, my most recent blog post touched on her ability to teach me a lesson in the midst an afternoon thunderstorm. I’ve undoubtedly been reminded that toddlers can teach adults some of life’s greatest lessons. For the sake of time and simplicity I want to share 5 things Sammy has taught me - which have more than inspired me. We’re human and definitely need a refresher every now and then!
  1. Laugh at yourself: At first glance this may seem pretty easy, but if you’re anything like 99% of the female population… you’re far too critical of yourself. As we age we are taught to become more responsible, professional, and possibly even more “serious”. It’s a natural progression, but also something that is certainly ingrained in us by society. Sammy laughs at her own jokes, giggles when she falls down, and even chuckles when I have something stuck in my teeth. Next time you make a mistake or feel embarrassed, I urge you to just embrace a deep belly-laugh. I promise it’s therapeutic!
  2. Don’t sweat the small stuff: Ever stress over something that is minuscule or out of your control? You have two X chromosomes – of course you do! Time and time again I find myself fretting over the silliest things… i.e. – slow drivers in the left lane and Sunday mall hours. Just last Thursday, Sammy and I had planned on going to the Denver Public Library. Much to our dismay, we found the window decal stickers reading “Thursday: CLOSED”. My mind immediately went to What the Hell Mode. “That has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard of… closed on a Thursday!?” Meanwhile, Sammy says aloud, “Oh well Nikki, there’s always tomorrow. Let’s go to the park!” Sometimes I wish I could have her by my side permanently. Kids have this innate ability (most of the time) to rebound from just about any experience. I encourage all of you ladies, and gentlemen, to take a chill pill and tell yourself “there’s always next time” when things don’t go as planned.
  3. Play: One word, numerous opportunities. Children don’t think about playing - they just do it. Often times as women, we feel it’s necessary to have a purpose behind everything we do. When’s the last time you really let loose and played around? And I don’t mean day drinking for Cinco de Mayo. You know, the kind of play that entails getting creative with chalk, tossing a Frisbee around, or one of Sammy’s favorites – hop-scotch! You’ll instantly feel young at heart and be proud of yourself for doing something out of the norm.
  4. When in doubt, SMILE: There’s no disagreeing with Elf here. I think smiling should be everyone’s favorite! It’s a positive gesture that not only has you happier within seconds, but it’s also contagious and can make a stranger’s day. As growing women we deal with a lot. Dreams to follow, bills to pay, hormones to tame, and a biological ticking clock (a.k.a. – Mom asking when she’s getting her grandchildren). It’s easy to let our racing thoughts take over, and suddenly, we’re wearing our not-so-happy emotions on our sleeves. I’ve been fortunate though. Samantha probably has me smiling 20 times a day. Just this morning we picked Fisher up from school - another little one I nanny for – and he was in absolute tears because he bonked his head pretty hard. Leave it to the wisest little girl I know… “Fish, give a smile on that face!” Now, although there are some grammatical errors in her statement, the meaning is all the same. Make a conscious effort to smile more often. It’s a gesture that every person – regardless of their age, race, or gender - can identify with.
  5. Enjoy the simple things: 7 For All Mankind, Gelish nails, $150 bottle of designer perfume, and/or a steak dinner at Elway’s. All great things. Kids; however, don’t need the best selling toys in order to have fun. I’ve watched Sammy enjoy the sprinkler for 30 minutes, play with a roly-poly like it’s her new best friend, and almost wet her pants from one of the most intense tickle sessions. All for free! This serves as a good reminder that some most of life’s treasured moments are raw and simple. No price tag attached.
Thank you for reading – have an inspirational day!
Lots of X’s and O’s,

Spring 2011 – Sammy laughing at herself for making a “cream cheese nose”.
Summer 2011 – Sammy and I playing in the backyard together.
Fall 2012 – Sammy loving every minute of “crunchy” leaves.

Don't forget to share who inspires you!  And check out Nikki's blog HERE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nikki - I <3 your post! I have tons of "What the hell?!!?!?!" moments too and this is definitely a good reminder to pump the brakes and smell the roses :) Thanks for sharing!